Monday, May 6, 2013

Rose on Rose

Earlier today on ESPN, Jalen Rose started giving his thoughts about the long-dragged out topic of whether Derrick Rose should play or not play. He made some good points saying "I'm pretty sure if Derrick could play, he would. If he cant, he cant. There is nothing more to be said." Now as much as I agree with Jalen, I also disagree. Yes, he was right by basically saying to leave Derrick alone and wait until he is ready. However, he his wrong at the same time. Everyone knows that Derrick has been cleared-to-play now for almost 3 months. That means he is not injured anymore and is healed as much as he possibly can. Also, Derrick just signed a 96 million dollar contract to become the team's franchise player. Now, personally if you make that much money, I don't care what pain your better play. As a high paid athlete, I believe you should be held to higher expectations than everyone else. And, the fact that Derrick Rose is still on the bench not even attempting to play any minutes, tells me either that something went wrong in the healing process, or he has a lack of leadership to his team. He is also following the foot steps of the greatest basketball ever to live. Michael Jordan played on the court no matter how he was feeling. For example, the famous flu game against the Utah Jazz. MJ was definitely not 100% that game and still managed guide his team to a win. So, their really isn't any excuses to me why Derrick Rose is still on the bench. So, Jalen did put up a good argument on the one-side. But, he didn't argue the other side of the issue.